Small Talk:
"It's a nice day out there, Daddy."
"Hey, mommy, how is your day?"
"Mommy, you have pretty hair. ... and a pretty necklace. ... and pretty eyes."
"Daddy, you smell nice. ... you've got pretty hair."
"Mommy, I don't need to go to the doctor anymore. My butt doesn't hurt now."
"Okay, will you keep going potty?"
"Well...I'll keep brushing my teeth."
Haha, oh, okay.
Still, about seventy-five percent of what comes out of their mouths includes the phrases "I want" or "I need."
A startling look into human nature. I'm pretty sure 75 percent of what most people think is "I want" and "I need" though they don't verbalize it as much as they get older, nor do they actually expect to get most of it.
Now that I can hear my own thoughts echoed back to me, I can strive to bring my percentage down to 50 percent. I can try to make room for thoughts more important than desires.
Yeah, good luck, huh?
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