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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Little Mommies - Review and Giveaway!

For some odd reason, little kids want to be adults. I know, I don't get it either! But, they'll play for hours in their make-believe kitchen, pretend to clean, and they love having a little one of their own to take care of.

In fact, just this morning, Dulce said to me, "Mommy, when I grow up, then I'm going to have someone to take care of."

Then she got sad, thinking about how I wouldn't have any more babies when she and her sister grew up. Meanwhile, I was doing mental cheers. Haha, okay, maybe not.

Something that's been nurturing this desire in my kids, though, is the package we got last week from Mattel!

We got two amazing dolls, marking Milestones. Princess and the Potty and Everyday Moments. While one twin is feeding her baby, the other can help her baby go potty afterward.

They loved the little spoon, and I love that when you flip the food plate in the bowl, it becomes a whole other meal.

And the potty. The glorious, makes-its-own-flush-sound and flips-from-clean-to-dirty potty. This was the main attraction!

My kids love the dolls because they're able to actually take care of them in real ways. I love the dolls because they don't come with a ton of tiny pieces for me to lose, vacuum up and clean. Like the cap on the brunette doll? It stays on. It. Stays. On. Oh, how glorious. Thank you, Mattel.

On the whole, we're really enjoying our Little Mommy dolls here! (So much that the potty is currently in Toy Siberia ... ie: the top of the fridge.)

And the great news is, I get to give a set away! That's right! Sign up here to receive both Everyday Moments and Princess and the Potty! Two dolls, one giveaway, hours of fun!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. we're obsessed witht he potty these days. Why not!?

  2. I think both my son and daughter would enjoy these.

  3. Does the doll with the toilet actually do the potty training? Because that would be ideal. However, I think it would make her more interested in using the toilet, so we'd love to win her!

  4. Kira is getting really interested in going potty. It's a constant source of conversation at our house. That and staring over my shoulder so she can closely observe me eating. I'd love to win the dolls so she can practice with them while I get some room to eat or pee.

  5. Love these! My 3 yr old would love these for Christmas!

  6. Not sure we need more dolls in this house, but they would be well-loved by 3 happy girls.

  7. Olive would think this doll is hilarious!!

  8. Sam loves baby dolls lately, I hope we win one :)

  9. Would be a great christmas present for my potty training little nieice. (livivua chandler)

  10. Paxton is potty training, sort of, sometimes, this would be fun and would mean no lifting of the eyebrows from my husband ;)

  11. NEEEEEED. WAAAAANT. Um, what I meant to say was, baby girl has been on the edge of potty training for what feels like forever so I really want that potty doll for her. She'd love the other one too, because she sort of has this whole baby doll obsession going on right now.

  12. Ok, so I THINK that I'm GFC following you, but it's being a total bitch tonight and won't even let me log in to check.



  14. For my niece. She would love them and is 3.
    Thanks for the chance.

  15. I would like this for my niece who is being potty trained right now.
    Susan Chester

  16. It would be a great encouragement for my little niece who is being potty trained right now!
    cjnedrow at gmail dot com

  17. My daughter would love these dolls! We also are trying to potty train so this would be wonderful.

  18. I'd love to win these for my granddaughters.
    Theresa N

  19. my niece would love them! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  20. My daughter would love one of these dolls! She's already pointed the potty doll out to me in the store several times and said she wanted Santa to bring her one.

  21. I want these for the little girls that I baby sit. They both love baby dolls!

    Paula Michele Hafner

  22. The girls that I watch absolutely love dolls and these two dolls both looks like a lot of fun! We always need more "babies" for our games :) Thanks!

  23. I want to win these dolls because my daughter would be thrilled to get them!!

  24. My little girls has become hooked on her Lella's (someday this will be Cinderella, but right now it's adorable!) I would love to surprise her with these, she's so cute when you get her a surprise!

  25. This would make a great gift.

  26. I have 2 daughters who would love to have these dolls that's why I would like to win them

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