Kids have a way of hurting themselves. Bug bites. Scraped knees. A cold from that sick kid in
class whose mother thought it was a good idea to share. Whatever.
Rather than wasting time running to the store for more Neosporin Kids or cough syrup, we can
often find just what we need to heal our kids for much less right in our pantry. Moreover, it’s
becoming increasingly clear that antibiotics are overprescribed. Even the American College
of Chest Physicians says that antibiotics are not effective against the common cold, which
means your money and time are better spent elsewhere. Instead of wasting time and money that
you could be spending on budgeting or reading for online classes, use these easy, cheap home
remedies for common complaints.
Grapes are naturally expectorant, meaning they let you get rid of phlegm. Buy grape juice with
as little added sugar and additives as possible or bring home a carton of grapes for the kids to
munch on. Meanwhile, brew some ginger tea with honey to further relieve congestion and ease
sore throats.
Stuffy nose
Nasal congestion is the body’s inflammatory response to an irritant, which can be bacterial, viral,
fungal, or a matter of seasonal allergies or mold. Steep fresh ginger slices in hot water for 20
minutes, remove the ginger, and pour a dollop of honey and milk. The steam from the tea will
relieve immediate pressure but the honey and ginger also give boosts to the immune system.
Coconut milk tastes especially good with this tea.
A less tasty (but apparently more effective) alternative is tomato tea. Combine and puree:
• 1 tomato
• 1 clove of garlic
• 1 tsp lemon juice
• A couple of flakes of red or cayenne pepper
• Pinch of salt
Heat the mixture on the stove until lightly steaming.
Scraped knees
Wash and dry the area and cover the wound with honey. Honey has been used for centuries
across cultures as a treatment for anything from battlewounds to problem skin. It’s antibacterial,
a source of antioxidants, and it’s humectant, which means it traps moisture. On any cut or
scrape, it prevents infection and speeds healing. Wash off before bed and apply as necessary
until a scab forms.
Apple cider vinegar relieves many health woes, including seasonal allergies, joint pain, and an
unhealthy gut, but used topically it also heals warts if applied twice daily and covered with a
bandage. It also works for bee stings.
Upset stomach
The next time your child complains of an upset stomach, brew mint, cinnamon, or ginger tea
with a spoonful of honey. Don’t bother buying boxes of this stuff. Just cut up a whole ginger
root into thin slices and dehydrate (using an oven on very low heat) or hang up a few sprigs of
mint for a couple of days. When they’re dry, grind them up in a coffee grinder and store in a
mason jar. Steep as with any normal tea.
Everything here works for moms, too! So, in the few minutes per day that you seem to have
nothing begging for your attention, kick up your feet with a book and sip some calming, healthy
Carmen Brettel is a writer and manager for, where she has recently been
researching financial aid for girls. In her spare time, Carmen enjoys gardening and volunteering
at animal shelters.
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