It's summertime. That means hours upon hours of emptiness to fill, minds to stimulate, fun to be had. All this fun and education for your kids can cause wear and frazzle for you (ask me how I know). So, how can you stop the boredom without losing your mind, or frantically rushing around all the time?
Schedule it. Obviously you can't plan your whole summer and things are going to pop up or cancel out with nothing you can do, but if you have a general framework in which you want to work, you'll find it's easy to replace or work around those variables.
I do my scheduling on Thursdays. First, I look online for free events for kids in my town. Last week, the library did both a national donut day celebration, and a make-your-own-ice-cream event.
We did both. We also went to a free movie with Jackie from Accidentally Mommy and her kids.
Then I check my "free kids stuff" coupons. My friend and fellow twin mom, Laura, and I took our kids rollerskating for free.
Then I fill the rest of the week up with playdates. Now, being a mom of twins, I automatically resign myself to being the host. Because everyone else has one kid. And I have two. So, yeah, I'm not expecting the invitations to flow like honey over here. But if my kids are entertained, that's more me time, even if they're right in my face. At least, that's what I tell myself. This week, Laura and her twins came over one day, and two little boys from the girls' preschool came over another day.
Nice finger, right? I'm a pro.
Anyway, this coming week looks like this: Playdate Monday morning, didgeridoo Monday afternoon at the library, free swimming lesson Tuesday morning, playdate Wednesday, splash pad Thursday.
Friday? Happy hour. Because, damn, did you just see my week? And then, next Thursday, I'll schedule next week. And there are only like...a billion weeks left, right? Woooo, summertime!
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