10) Drink 5 glasses of water a day.
Upping it from 4 even though I've really stopped drinking at all again. This is important. I do this weird thing where I withhold water from myself if I'm feeling like I'm not worthy of it. I need to fight that mentality more than I need the water, but drinking the water will fight that mentality.
9) Go to the gym and/or run consistently 3-4 times a week.
Exercising every day is too big of a goal for me, especially because my brain tells me that doing ten push ups at home most certainly doesn't count, so I don't do it. I also gained about 10 pounds this year because I couldn't exercise because of a neck injury, and I eat like a garbage can, for real.
8) Stop biting my nails
This is like the 4930276849 time I'll be trying this one.
7) Do something actionable and politically motivated every single week.
During 2017, fervor about the state of our country will die down and normalize. You can already see it happening as the activists collectively take a break and a breath for the holiday season. The point is to get back on the horse. To not forget. To prepare for the vote in 2018. That is the goal. 2018 is not long away when you consider that we have to get an entire new system going for the Democrats and figure our shit out while fighting the legislation coming down from this administration tooth and nail.
6) Read 15 books. Journal 250 times.
I managed 11 this year, but the one I'm on now, I've been on since August. When I don't like a book, I draggggg it out. Journaling, too, comes in waves.
5) Make $55,000-$60,000.
This is a stretch for sure. I'd be happy with $50,000.
4) Publish 100 pieces.
I am flagging in terms of writing. I have the assignments, I'm just sitting on them. I have to get back into the groove and do this thing. This will be harder because it appears my best client (after a shift in personnel) may not be using my services as much as they were if at all.
3) Teach at least six classes this year.
I have to not allow my teaching to drop off as I try to increase my writing. I must maintain connections with different colleges and departments at UF and look to other places as well.
2) Publish my thesis.
I've been putting this off and the embargo is up. I really don't want to do this, but I really, really should.
1) Save another $5,000 for each of my kids for their college education.
If my income stays where it is, I can do this. Of course, freelancing is forever a rocky road full of hustle.
For my kids and I, I resolve the following:
5) Get them to stop fighting all the time.
Like, they are stubborn with this. They love to fight with each other and try to get each other in trouble, as if one is vindicated and good if the other one is getting punished. Stop it.
4) Make them do math and reading every day for at least a short while.
When we do this, it's great, but when we have all the time in the world (ie: vacation), we slack off because it's just easier for me not to make them do it. If I were consistent, it would be easier.
3) Get them into an activity other than Capoeira to expand their horizons a bit.
2) Play a game with them every day.
I can do better with this. I can try harder. It's just five minutes.
1) Have them do chores every day.
I slacked with this because it's just easier for me to do them, but the girls get really entitled about it and don't help at all and give attitude when asked to help if I let it go too long.