10) Drink 5 glasses of water a day.
0. This year I felt like fuck water, I guess. I'll try again, but I think I'll go back down to 4 glasses a day. That's more reasonable for me.
9) Go to the gym and/or run consistently 3-4 times a week.
1. I actually did do this enough to count it. There were weeks when I did nothing, sure, but also weeks where I ran, biked or went to the gym every darn day. It would average out to 3-4 times a week, I'm sure of it.
8) Stop biting my nails
0. I mean. I just can never do this apparently.
7) Do something actionable and politically motivated every single week.
1. I did a lot of activism this year. A LOT. But there were weeks and even months where I did nothing. I just couldn't. Then again, there were weeks and months where I did something every day. I feel like averaging again, I'd come out with at least a thing per week. I put a lot of effort into this one, so I'm counting it as done.
6) Read 15 books. Journal 250 times.
0. I read like 4 books MAYBE, and I didn't journal at all because LiveJournal was eaten by Russia.
5) Make $55,000-$60,000.
This is a stretch for sure. I'd be happy with $50,000. <-- I said that when making the resolution.
1. I made $66,000 this year.
4) Publish 100 pieces.
0. I only published 40 pieces this year. I decided to teach instead.
3) Teach at least six classes this year.
1. I taught 10 classes this year, and I developed two more.
2) Publish my thesis.
0. LOLOLOL I really REALLY do not want to do this. Like at all. And I really REALLY should.
1) Save another $5,000 for each of my kids for their college education.
1. I saved $7,000 each for them this year.
Wow, 5 out of 10. That might actually be a record. I hardly ever keep resolutions! Also, I feel like I deserve a bonus point because even though it wasn't on my resolutions list, this is the year I for real quit smoking. Seven months and counting, anyway. That sucked and it was hard.
For my kids and I, I resolve the following:
5) Get them to stop fighting all the time.
0. Fighting is one of their favorite games.
4) Make them do math and reading every day for at least a short while.
.5. I did pretty well with this, though I did let vacations and weekends slide sometimes.
3) Get them into an activity other than Capoeira to expand their horizons a bit.
1. Um, they are in after-school instead, which isn't necessarily expanding their horizons, but we did a billion different summer camps this year, from museums, to engineering, to gymnastics, and a whole bunch more. We're trying.
2) Play a game with them every day.
0. I want to try this again. I really want to do this, but time keeps slipping away!
1) Have them do chores every day.
.5. Chores were mostly used in terms of discipline this year, though they did do A LOT of them. I want them to get used to having to do something small every day just because we are people and that is what we have to do.
Hmm, 2 out of 5. That's not super great, but at least it's something. I have a feeling a lot of my resolutions this year will be repeats, lol.