So, I got up and dressed.
Meanwhile, my husband ate breakfast and got ready for work.
I made coffee, and said goodbye to Carlos.
Took the dog for a walk before he helped me wake up the girls.

Typical morning rush to the bathroom.

Time for breakfast. Toast and a boiled egg, with strawberry and orange juice.

I do chores while they eat. Laundry and dishes. Then it's off to school.
After the girls are dropped off, it's time to actually start my day, which consists of a 16-task to-do list and a roll of the dice. I start with a house or work related task, and from that task, I count the number on the dice down, and that's the next task I tackle. Janel is going to love this, I'm sure. I don't know why I do it like this. I just do. Laundry was first because I'd already started it.
Then I make myself breakfast.
I start on work for an organization for which I am a project manager. We are (have by now) going on a trip to Georgia to do video work on the new voting machines and voter suppression there. Right here, I am organizing the trip, where we will go, who we will film, etc.

Next some house work and errands. Our fence blew down in a windstorm and I had to call the insurance. Then the family needed some groceries so off I went. Typical haul for a week.
Then everyone is back home from school and work!
We were getting our driveway repaved, so the girls marked their name in the pavement.
I wrote and shared a post on the internet about the current state of affairs.
Lunch! I eat in mediocre fashion.
I do some cleaning up while the girls practice soccer.
Time to take care of the dishes again.
Then more work, this time figuring out my university schedule for the upcoming semesters.

Check in with the girls. One is doing homework, the other is eating a snack.
Then I make dinner.
I have a herniated disc, so often during dinner prep, I lay down to stretch my back out. Hi.
Dinner is served.
It's like 9 p.m. at this point so after dinner, the day is done. We go to bed and do it again tomorrow.
To see previous years:
2017: (Actually a very similar day except the girls are three years younger, lol)