
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Resolution Check-In, 2024

Every year, I make 10 resolutions for the upcoming year, and then never look at them again. Then I check in to see if I've naturally done any of the things I wrote down. I have an acquaintance who is into vision boarding. Think of this as the opposite of that.

Here's what I thought I could pull off last year:

Resolution time for the new year. 10 for me, 5 for the kids. Let's do it.

10. Read 12 books.

I read 10. Not bad, but not the goal. 0

9. Fix three things about the house.

I fixed two things. I redid the bathroom and put screens up on all the windows. 0

8. Make more money at one job.

I'm only making a little more that they gave me through annual raises. Still dropping money. I can't move jobs until the girls are in college though. For sure. 0

7. Figure my shit out.

Doing way way way better with this. In a much better spot. Still doing the work. Counting this. 1

6. Go out with a friend twice a month.


5. Get the house clean.

Half. I deep cleaned half the house. Yes, it took all year. 0

4. Gym 4 times a week.

I mostly did this. I'm counting it. 1

3. Give every interaction the honesty and brevity it deserves.

I forgot about this one! I worked hard on it and came a really long way. Giving it to me. 1

2. Better outer self care: hydration, skin care, nails, hair. Look put-together.

I mean, I guess. I cut off my hair that was annoying me. I think I look put together. Actual care, not so much, but good enough. 1

1. Do one thing that makes me happy every day. 


TOTAL: 4/10


5. Help each one further their interest: acting for Dulce, working out for Natalina.

I absolutely did this. Natalina has a gym membership and does pilates and rock climbing. Dulce has been in two plays and a musical, two student films which made it into festivals, and she made the state competition for this year. She's also set up on Backstage and works on sending in sides. 1

4. Save $10,000 more for them each.

Didn't make this, this year. I'm making less than I was, and everything costs more. Just coasted on what they had. I did finish paying off their college, though. (Those 529 plans or whatever). 0

3. Help them navigate life and be as happy as possible for the long term.

I'm giving myself this one. We had a VERY HARD year. But I worked and worked to keep them and their future selves safe and happy as possible. 1

2. Guide them through their learner's permits.

Done. Dulce is set to get her license in January, if she passes the test. Nat needs more practice driving, but she doesn't test until May, so we have time. 1

1. Increase their responsibilities. Help them be more ready for independence.

I'm going to go half on this. I did NOT increase their responsibilities at home. But Nat has a job, Dulce gets odd jobs when she has time, Nat is completing a lot of community service for school, both are looking to duel enroll next year. And starting January, we are going to increase responsibilities (and monetary compensation) and see how that goes. .5

TOTAL: 3.5/5

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